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How real is web relationship or acquaintance? - Printable Version

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How real is web relationship or acquaintance? - titu - 07-16-2013 03:02 PM

Today on FB while inviting one of my FB friend i had this peculiar experience. This friend text me that she won't continue chatting me as her husband has advised her against it.
For microsecond i was taken aback, then instead of defending, i simply text her that her husband is more important than her web acquaintance. Now though she does not appear on my FB page but in retrospect i find her one who shared some of her life most precious photographs. I wish her luck.
We all have strange web experiences and will like to have your thoughts on same.

- Blake Geometrio - 07-16-2013 03:18 PM

I married Someone on the Internet (and I'm not saying who.) A Web relationship is as real as you make it out to be. If you're serious, it's real. If you're joking, (Like me) It's fake.