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What happened to my friends? (or what happened to me?!)? - Printable Version

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What happened to my friends? (or what happened to me?!)? - Kay - 10-12-2012 04:30 PM

Hello! I'm a 23 y/o college grad from PA. I live with my bf and our 3 y/o son. Since my son was born, I haven't really had any close friends. I used to know a bunch of ppl in high school (graduated in '06) and had a close group of about 8 friends (from 2 separate "cliques") but by the time we graduated HS I guess I had been hanging out with one group more often than the other so the relationship I had with the friends from group "A" I'll say (about 4 of them) faded out, leaving me with the friends from group "B". We attended a local community college and remained close for about the first year and a half. A crazy/insane/pointless argument actually ended our friendship, leaving me with one friend from group A that I had rekindled a friendship with, and who is now my best friend but lives in CA! So, now for the past 3 years, it's literally just been my boyfriend, our son, and I. I never got into the whole social media craze (facebook, twitter, kik, etc.) so I've had no way to connect with anyone since I no longer have anyone's phone number (I know I'm like 1 in a million on that topic!) But I made a fb page about a month ago and it was truly depressing to see how everyone that I know from HS, including my own former best friends, have formed wonderful friendships over the years and hang out with each other constantly. I feel completely and utterly ALONE, the feeling is almost unbearable at times. Granted, I run into people here & there and have had the chance to exchange info and hang out but it's so awkard to have been out of the loop for so long and try to catch up on all their memories. I've tried to go out with new people but again, it's hard to try to join in on a friendship that's been going on for years. I guess I can't expect an answer to my problem other than to continue trying to meet new friends (which I'll try to do) but opinions/thoughts are welcomed! Thanks guys.

- john - 10-12-2012 04:38 PM

Accept Jesus

- S - 10-12-2012 04:38 PM

I understand what you mean about feeling alone and out of the loop, but instead I can't wait until I go to university next year so I can make some new, better friends than I have now (which sounds awful but I find I don't really have a strong connection with anyone around me right at this moment). I believe you're definitely doing well to try and get back into touch with old friends, but do you think maybe you could even possibly make more of an effort to rekindle the relationships? I know it can be hard at first but once you're back "in the loop" and really showing that you want to be friends again they might recognize that and warm up more! New friends are also a possibility, even getting together with your son's friends parents could start some new relationships, or the significant others of your husband's friends. Utilize the connections you have to form new ones ! Smile