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Kony 2012 - brief overview? - Printable Version

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Kony 2012 - brief overview? - me - 10-12-2012 04:34 PM

can anyone please give me a short overview of kony 2012? (like a small paragraph if possible?)
any links that could add to what you may have said would be heaps helpful

it comes under social media right?

- Guru Hank - 10-12-2012 04:42 PM

Some crazy guy who figured he could make money out of selling bracelets and T-shirts to dumb kids, while getting them to do the marketing for it themselves, picked up on an old story from Africa and cooked up a whole bunch of lies to pad it out. Then he took all the money he made from selling the shirts and spent it on PCP or STP or LSD or some sort of alphabet soup and took all his clothes off in the street. Someplace in California, maybe San Diego. Then he went ape, completely bat-s*** crazy and beat up the sidewalk for a while till he got taken away.

There are still some of those 'kony' tags on walls near us, nobody has got round to making the jerk pay to have them cleaned up yet.