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Why won't my push notifications on Facebook for my iPhone 4 S work properly? - Printable Version

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Why won't my push notifications on Facebook for my iPhone 4 S work properly? - Ben - 07-18-2013 04:13 PM

Someone please help me, I have an iPhone for S running the latest version of IOS6 every time I get a notification it shows with a red bible and a number on the app icon but it won't show a banner on the home or lock screen and it won't come up on the notification centre please help I have tried everythin

- EaziG - 07-18-2013 04:22 PM

Firstly, did you transcribe this with siri? lol.
So its an iPhone 4S, but you are only getting the notifications bubble and no banner or lock screen notifications?

iPhone has a few settings where the notifications can be tailored to suit each app.

try going to Settings > Notifications,
Now look for the Facebook app, and make sure the notification settings have "show in lockscreen" and "banners" selected.
these will allow the facebook app to notify you as you wanted.