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Help me admin an MLP page? - Printable Version

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Help me admin an MLP page? - EXTREMEKIWI115 - 07-19-2013 10:59 AM

If you are not a brony I advise moving along.
I made a page on Facebook and upload every weekday. None of my friends can help admin the page because their computers don't work or they are too busy. So if you're interested go like this page:
(Won't allow me to make you an admin if you don't,) And come up with your admin name. You will put this at the end of each post following with either a ~ or a - so for example mine is ~Kiwi.

1. No clopper/pornography posts.
2. Stay positive and try not to bring up too many life problems, I've seen drama ruin many pages.
3. Try not to re-post pictures, I know this may be difficult as I have posted many pics but just try.
4. Do not over saturate. 5 posts max per day.
6. Keep it pony related.

Profanity is not a problem, just don't use it too much.
You are not required to post every weekday like I do but it would be nice.
Please leave your admin name below and I will allow you in right away all are welcome!

- Patricia - 07-19-2013 11:12 AM

It is a really bad idea to allow someone you do not know be co-admin on YOUR page. You can wake up and discover you baby has been hacked and you are locked out. You created it, you need to admin it.