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What are the best books on social media marketing? - Printable Version

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What are the best books on social media marketing? - Jessica - 10-12-2012 05:15 PM

- mack verma - 10-12-2012 05:23 PM

1. The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly

2. The New Influencers: A Marketer’s Guide to the New Social Media

3. Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies

4. Plug Your Business! Marketing on MySpace, YouTube, blogs and podcasts, and other Web 2.0 Social Networks

5. Do It Wrong Quickly: How the Web Changes the Old Marketing Rules

All of these are available on Amazon.

I would personally NOT suggest the books as Social Media a is constantly changing subject what you know today may not be working tomorrow, you need to keep yourself aware of latest trends in Social Media. Keep yourself updated and keep searching latest tips and tricks of social networks they are more likely to work with latest trends.

There is one more book named "350 Social Media Tactics" it is a useful book if you want to tweak with social networks.

Hope that helps.

People at Internet Marketing never fails, they just quit before success happens!

- Arjun Anand - 10-12-2012 05:23 PM

Hi, The one book i enjoyed reading most was socialnomics. Its particularly interesting because of all the case studies, examples and statistics it provides on Social Media and popular websites. Another interesting read is "Marketing to the Social Web" Larry Weber. Again, this book provides some great examples as well.

Radically Transparent is also a great book, however its limited to Online reputation management.

Internet Marketing Strategy, Implementation and Practice by Dave Chaffey is great but its more like a book you would read in university. Having said that the book has some amazing case studies, do it your self exercises etc.

I agree with the previous answer, that you may not want to buy all these books because social media is changing so quickly and what is important today may not be important the next day. However, if you are have a hand help reading device like the kindle, digital books (EBook) don't cost very much (avg $15-$20) and most books are just 200 or so pages which should take you a couple of days to read.

You may also want to read Blogs, there are quite a few blogs dedicated to Social Media like,, etc and they are free.


Arjun Anand
Online Reputation Management Solutions

- Tyler Murray - 10-12-2012 05:23 PM

I would focus on books that help you to become part of the trusted online community and build up a reputation that will last long after certain trends fade. A few great books I have read and some I am currently reading are:

Trust Agents - Chris Brogan & Julien Smith
The Whuffie Factor - Tara Hunt
Six Pixels of Separation - M. Joel
Crush It! - G Vaynerchuck
The New Communication Rules - T. Weinberg
Socialnomics - E. Qualman

Also, is a great resource for daily blog posts relating to social media.

- Jenny Fritter - 10-12-2012 05:23 PM

There is a great ebook that I purchases not too long ago called Social Markeitng Secrets Revealed. It's well over 100 pages and it contained some really great information about using sites like Digg, Yahoo Answers, Stumble Upon, Reddit, etc.

I found it to be one of the best ebooks that I had ever purchased and it definitely helped increase my traffic. Some of the material was basic, but most contained advanced techniques that really work.

Also, it came along with a nice video course called Social Marketing Superstar. I think there were a dozen or so videos. That stuff was a little more basic, but there was some great information about HubPages and Squidoo in it.

Hope that helps. I've left the link for you below. It's actually cheaper now than when I bought it 2 months ago.