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Does Facebook Hacking really exist? - Printable Version

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Does Facebook Hacking really exist? - Aiah Jane - 07-21-2013 01:29 PM

- Jeff - 07-21-2013 01:38 PM

password hacking - yes

- Rick Asstley - 07-21-2013 01:53 PM

Only if someone's got your password I believe.

- Robert - 07-21-2013 01:55 PM

Its extremely real. Its called SQL injection, also other language injections (PHP injection, other database based languages). Dont worry, though. VERY few people do this, as it requires a very high skill set and alot of experience. Also, theyll go after an admin or supra account if they hack to attempt to change or shut down the site entirely. Dont let anyone say theyll hack your account because, as long as your password doesnt only require brute force to hack (randomly generated words, guessing), youre fine.

- Allison T - 07-21-2013 02:05 PM

Yes. I've been hacked before on Facebook and had to create a new account. My friends have been hacked too.