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Why do people keep doing this on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do people keep doing this on Facebook? - L.i.f.e. G.o.e.s. O.n. - 07-21-2013 04:32 PM

I've now deactivated it because I've had enough.
-Family members keep randomly deleting me, blocking me and re-adding me and the deleting me again hours later.

-There are some old school mates that also keep re- adding me and then deleting after. The funny thing is that they are friends with all the other people from the school, even friends with the teachers. I now only have about 3 old school mates as friends which are just guys. But the girls don't seem to like me anymore as about 20 of them have deleted me even though they are the ones who added me in the first place.
And I have about 100 new friends which I met at my new College and at University.

-Some old School mates even still post statuses about me, saying that I'm a show off or something because I posted my Artwork in a Gallery. Lol

The thing about me, is that I hardly ever post much on Facebook , except a few statuses and photos of good things that have happened, etc. I never post anything negative or that would be offensive, I don't send FarmVille requests because I don't play it. I don't post things every day or 5 minutes, not to the point where I plague people's news feeds.

I've also been told by some good people, that the people who have blocked or deleted me have been writing nasty insulting statuses about me, saying that I'm ugly and shouldn't be getting on with my life.

I just don't understand Facebook anymore, because it seems like people just want to cause trouble probably because they are insecure with themselves. So for now on I've just completely deactivated it, I don't even feel safe on it and feel that my reputation has been ruined too because of the people insulting me on it..
Whatever I have mentioned in this question has nothing to do with emails or privacy problems.

My Facebook is constantly kept on private too.

- Trina Sampkins - 07-21-2013 04:45 PM

Facebook eh? you should not bother with those social sites at all they are just one big problem and a heaven for the self obsessed. Trust me you are better off without it.

- K-SiS - 07-21-2013 04:47 PM

Secure your Email and all passwords
Don't blame others for your negligence.

- Stasonix - 07-21-2013 04:55 PM

Being social it doesn't mean that u must add friends or photoes to different social networks (it's just a part).

- Island Living - 07-21-2013 04:57 PM

The beauty of facebook is that it gives public people the ability to make fools of themselves. Just like they do here. I had an account once, but it was not my idea to create, one of my "friends" created the account for me. We aren't friends, I never spend time with anyone. I've became a hermit.

I don't like facebook at all. Not even the so called "founder" who in a way stole the idea of facebook. The kind of information on facebook does not need to be shared. We don't even need facebook, people had emails, phones etc before facebook came out and they could "connect" without having to risk all their private information. I know this isn't the reason you left, but this is the main reason why I don't like facebook.

As I said, it gives people the opportunity to post the most stupid things. Let's face it, lots of people are stupid. Stupid people + facebook = disaster.

I don't need or want facebook. I hope it dies soon.

- Daniel - 07-21-2013 05:05 PM

Sorry To Hear That your Having problems With Facebook its Life Tho There are People That are Not So Nice Nothing you Can Do About Those People But Ignore Them if it Bugs you So Much Ask them Polietly To Stop

- Sumon - 07-21-2013 05:21 PM

you should not bother with those social sites at all they are just one big problem and a heaven for the self obsessed. Trust me you are better off without it.Secure your Email and all passwords
Don't blame others for your negligence.

- Angeleyes - 07-21-2013 05:22 PM

I agree with Trina. Well Said.