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Does Amy Lee really have a facebook account? - Printable Version

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Does Amy Lee really have a facebook account? - Cara - 07-22-2013 07:28 PM

Ok, here me out and check out some of these links.
Recently I found Amy Lee on >

On there is 'proof' that it's her >

However, there was also another page >

But recently, Amy said that she was taking a break to 'figure things out' and she did have proof on her profile that she is the real Amy Lee, not to mention the fact that the photo's on her profile aren't just pictures you can get off google images. She also had an argument with a fan page that was about her dead sister (Bonnie Lee) and she told them to take it down because she didn't want to cry in front of her husband (would a fan really go through all that acting and trouble to pose a Amy?) Check out her facebook account and be sure to check out the picture that says 'use facebook as: Evanescence' and tell me if this is real or not? Please because I do have her on my friends list because she made it to talk to her fans but someone has really put me down about it and I'm not sure if it's really her or not.

Here's the link to the picture that says 'use facebook as: Evanescence: >

I know it's a lot of links but it would be nice to see if she's real or just a fan

- smile - 07-22-2013 07:31 PM

I didn't really take the time to check the links, but I would imagine that she has an Official web page. Usually celebrities, artists, and other performers include links to their Twitters, Instagrams, and Facebook fan pages if they have them.

That would be the best way to check for her actual pages, at least the ones she wants her fans to see. She very well may have a personal one, but odds are it is under her actual name or under a fake name so that she can communicate with people she actually knows or is related to without the scrutiny of fans.