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Whats wrong with mee?? HEELPPPP? - Printable Version

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Whats wrong with mee?? HEELPPPP? - Denisa pisicutza - 07-23-2013 01:44 AM

Lately I've been feeling short of breath and like a bit dizzy! i read on the internet that iy can be heart failure but im only 14!' i was thinking could if be because of stresss? i have 2 exams on the same day soon and i keep stressing about it! anyways i also like cough sometimes but rarely and its a dry cough! i am also a bit emotional haha .. soo HELP!!
Yeaahh I just realized i posted it in the wrong category haha
Umm Ralph, I am not fat and I just asked a question.. So calm down Big Grin I didn't come here to be criticized... I just wanted some opinions

- Michael - 07-23-2013 01:46 AM

Yes it's stress, go do stuff that you enjoy and rest.

- Jerry H. - 07-23-2013 01:56 AM

Not sure how this applies to Computers but sounds like anxiety. I suffer from it too. See a doctor and they can prescribe you medications for it if its that bad

- Zoe - 07-23-2013 02:05 AM

Your maybe starting your period or your just going crazy!

- Ralph - 07-23-2013 02:18 AM

Its called get off the couch and stop being a fat ass. Thats whats wrong with kids today. Why would you have heart failure at this age unless you had a disease since birth. I suggest you put down the xbox and mountain dew and trade it in for some running.

- Alex - 07-23-2013 02:26 AM

Its probably just stress but I would get it checked out by a doctor just to be on the safe side.

- Sam - 07-23-2013 02:40 AM

You are posting this question in the wrong category, try the health section.

But, I would say it is down to stress, try and calm yourself, breathe slowly and drink plenty of water. Wait until your exams are over until you go and see a doctor if it continues.

- Darryl - 07-23-2013 02:43 AM

This can be down to many things such as dehydration and eating too much bad food. Definitely see a doctor however as heart issues can affect you from a very young age (my grandma had a pace maker installed at 17).

However I would just make sure you are drinking water, staying fit with 30 minutes exercise a day and eating the proper food at regular intervals, and if the symptoms persist or not, see the GP as there are several very simple heart checks they can easily run through to give you peace of mind, and a peace of mind is definitely what you need during exams.

However if the shortness of breath is in an almost panicky way I would advise looking into anxiety issues and what you can do to help yourself.

- . - 07-23-2013 02:54 AM

Unfortunately I can't help, but I think this question belongs in one of the health sections - you might get more informed/detailed responses there.