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Why won't it let me change my Facebook name? - Printable Version

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Why won't it let me change my Facebook name? - Nicole - 07-23-2013 02:31 AM

I had to change my Facebook name because Facebook told me to, but I don't want it to be the name I changed it to so I tried to change it again and it said I can't because I've changed it too many times even though I've only did it twice. How can I fix it?

- Rosie - 07-23-2013 02:44 AM

If you change our name more than twice it will block you from changing it... I don't know why they do that ... Personally I think it's dumb! Hope this helps!!!

- Terry K - 07-23-2013 02:58 AM

They add these rules to prevent people from changing names and causing confusion. It also ensure people do not repeatedly change their names to stupid or offensive things.
You are meant to use your real name on Facebook and putting anything in there which isn't is against their terms of service.
For some reason there is a big fad of people putting silly and pointless words or phrases in their names.
I understand nicknames, but i rarely see those. They are usually something like 'Nicole "bacardi" Jenkins.

- withaC - 07-23-2013 03:03 AM


Read this and click on "help" at the end:

I hope this helps. You might have to delete your current account and create another :/

- Tang - 07-23-2013 03:19 AM

There is a limit. If you change your name multiple times you can only use the names you have changed, I had changed it long time ago and I can't create a custom name anymore.

- Terence - 07-23-2013 03:26 AM

Because you have reached the limit