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How to get my neice's facebook password ? - Printable Version

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How to get my neice's facebook password ? - Lindaa Taliaa - 07-23-2013 12:44 PM

My niece is 14 and is obviously old enough to have a social network page, her principal said there has been drama in her school lately, caused by facebook . I said ill let her use it but I also have to be on the page too, to check and see what she does . I wanna see what she did before, so she has no chance to delete anything . Help ?

- Emily Renee - 07-23-2013 12:58 PM

try to watch her put in her password

- Fred - 07-23-2013 01:04 PM

That would be totally illegal. You could earn yourself and anyone helping you up to 20 years in prison just for asking this question. You are publicly inciting others to conspire to hack accounts. And you are offering no evidence that this if for a relative, could be you want to hack someone else's account, so we would need to be mentally unstable to help you. And I seriously think all the police and government agencies monitoring this site will not believe you either.

- Sylvia - 07-23-2013 01:17 PM

Does your niece live with you? If not, this really is up to her parents.

If your niece does live with you and you have guardianship, you need to talk to her and tell her of your concerns. You don't need to know her password, but you DO need her to know that you are looking out for her safety and you need to be on her friend list with no restrictions.

I am referencing an article that you can discuss with your niece (or that you can pass on to her parents so THEY can discuss it with her). It may help both of you gain a better understanding. Kids need to know they can come to a trusted adult to talk about these things.

Do NOT go behind her back and try to hack her account. That will only lead to mistrust. If you are her guardian, you want her to trust you and come to you. Once you lose trust, she will not be open with you.

- george - 07-23-2013 01:23 PM

i use this tool everytime i lose my password or my friends do : is easy to use and fast. good luck !