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Looking job in ireland in internet marketing idustry - Printable Version

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Looking job in ireland in internet marketing idustry - Maig Z - 10-12-2012 06:48 PM

I finished an internet marketing course in DBS and learning internet marketing in self study way, as well I am interested in social networking marketing and blogging! Can somebody help me where can I look for job and is it possible to get a job as an internet marketing assistent, and what is requested from me?

- rob g - 10-12-2012 06:56 PM

A job in "internet marketing" in such a general term, however what I can tell you are the types of jobs most commonly found.

Here are just a few job revolving around Internet Marketing:

SEO - Search Engine Optimization Specialist

PPC - Pay Per Click campaign mangers

eMail Blasting - Email Blasting campaign managers

Link Building - One hell of a stressful job, try and stay away from this one unless you are being compensated very, very well!!!

Web Developer - Design web sites (yes this is internet marketing)

Affiliate - Affiliate Program campaign managers

These are just a few of the typical Internet Marketing jobs you may run accross. Some of them demand years of education, but wages are pretty good. Visit online job sites like or as these types of jobs can be located.

If you are looking into making an income online in general, I recommend that you start with promoting affiliates on your own site. You can make as much or as little money online as you want and can be an excellent financial bonus to a regular internet maketing salary.

Good Luck with the job hunt!!!


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