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My mom posts my life on Facebook? - Printable Version

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My mom posts my life on Facebook? - Smartie-Pants - 07-25-2013 04:34 AM

Ever since I was little, my mom insists on posting pictures of me (and my family) on Facebook and sometimes even locations. Now, I'm 14 and my mom is still posting pictures of me, and she posts locations of where we are and who is with us, if we're at a party and who's attending or who's with us. I talked to her about it but she insists that Facebook is like a photo album, she says that her privacy settings will always be on private and no body except for her friends (which she has like 200), can see. But I refuse to listen to this because recently I've gone to a social media lecture and the guy speaking told us that nothing is safe on the internet and once you post it, it can go anywhere and that even if your settings are on private, when Facebook updates, your settings go back to default (public). 
But my mom doesn't listen, she says "They can't do that!" 
And I don't know how to tell her any other way or get her to stop posting pictures, locations and tagging me and others because I DO NOT feel comfortable with it, because she just isn't getting it!

- Bobby Nkk - 07-25-2013 04:47 AM

By the way, what's your mom's facebook ID...? Tongue
Just kidding...! Smile

Coming to the point,
Yes, in the internet nothing is safe.
Though she sets her privacy as private some other can see in some different ways.

And tell her "Some thousands of facebook IDs are being hacked everyday."
In those thousands, your mother account may include one day.
Or else, if any one of your mother's friends account hacked, all your info will go out.

And moreover, some worst people are there who steals other's photos(Mainly girls/women photos) and sell them to sexual websites...!

Show this message to your mom, she will understand for sure...!