Twitist Forums is a con do you disagree, read on? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: is a con do you disagree, read on? (/thread-75607.html) is a con do you disagree, read on? - george - 07-25-2013 04:39 AM I can assure you it's a scam do you agree?
WARNING, everyone please be aware that Wippy.CON and Ziinga.CON (I use the term .CON because that's what it is a CON) are one and the same as is Luna Casino. If you have any doubts please look at their web pages which are virtually identical as are their terms and conditions! You'll win nothing and end up feeling bitter and a lot poorer. Most of what they offer can be purchased from a reputable supplier at less cost. The initial offer of something worth about £40:00 for a couple of pounds incurs P&P at about £6:00 then you will have to add in three months worth of membership that you can't avoid at £35:00 per month then suddenly you'll realise your £40:00 item cost £113:00 almost three times the shop price, so ask yourself is it really such a bargain? My advice is avoid these scam merchants and con artists.

- M - 07-25-2013 04:49 AM

I agree with you entirely. A popup apeared while I was Banking and considered the offer to be legit. An accepted offer for £2 for an item which I haven't received yet was debited from my account and thought nothing of it, although curios about a £1 debit for international. My bank confirmed that the £1 was related to the £2 payment. When I checked my account a few days later there was another debit of £35 and a £1 from ASK-WIPPY. My bank is now monitoring my account and will block future transactions with this company. When signing up for these offers it is essential to read all the terms as taking up the offer agrees to these payments. It is very sharp practice and everyone should be aware of these rogues. The conclusion is never to be tempted with any offer on the net. To make matters worse My Emails were hacked losing all contacts and mails so now have no reference.