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Why do I get repeated facebook friend requests from a person I already have as a friend on facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do I get repeated facebook friend requests from a person I already have as a friend on facebook? - Style - 07-25-2013 06:03 AM

I keep getting friend request notifications off 1 of my female friends that I already have as a friend on facebook. Yet when I go on her profile to see if its a new profile, it says I'm already friends with her. I just got the 3rd request today, just like it would show as to confirm a new profile.
Didn't cancel friend or block her.

Friend request was accepted 2 months ago, but starting 2 weeks ago I received a friend request from her profile, yet we are already friends.

I accepted all friend requests I got off her profile and the latest request said "friend request cancelled" when I clicked 'confirm'.

Anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
It's not a fake profile, its her profile and she doesn't delete me because before I accept the friend request I check to see if we are still "friends" on facebook. To which we are.

Also I am thinking that you can send multiple friend requests to a person you're already friends with so maybe it' just facebook messing around. - not sure how to stop it though?

I'll message her on the weekend when I've got some free time.

- Purple - 07-25-2013 06:14 AM

Maybe someone ha made fake facebook account of your friend.
Or maybe its just facebook messing around
Or she keeps adding you then deleting you?

Just ask her whats up with all the profiles and tell her that you keep getting requests , she might have the answer for you Smile