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Facebook Privacy Settings Problems? - Printable Version

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Facebook Privacy Settings Problems? - Dayvin Nowtuhh! - 07-25-2013 08:34 PM

For some reason my Facebook privacy settings are automatically changing itself even when I try and set it to my preferred setting. Mainly my audience selection (people I choose to see my content) settings for my status' and posts. I'll change it to "Friends" on my privacy settings AND/OR on my status selector tool on the status itself. It'll post, and show the settings I just made. But after awhile, I notice it reverts back to my old settings which only shows my posts to my family and it disappears from my timeline as well because it never shows up on it. When I check my "Activity Log" on my profile everything is set to "Hidden From Timeline" and only viewable by family which is very frustrating. I was wondering if anyone knew a fix or a probable cause. I already sent a report to Facebook regarding the matter, but I highly doubt they'll get back to me or fix the problem. So please don't say "Send a report to Facebook" because I already have and it's unreliable. Any advice or info is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

- Daniel - 07-25-2013 08:47 PM

Facebook Does Not Offer Tech Support you Can Always Send In Error Reports Which you Already Did But they Dont Write Back Unless They Need More Info Which is Very Rare About A Error Report Nothing you Can Do But Wait For Facebook to Fix The Problem