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Blocking people on facebook? - Printable Version

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Blocking people on facebook? - Elizabeth Odom - 07-25-2013 08:45 PM

I have this person who comments on everything I do!!! how do I take away her wall privileges?
she goes to my school and church she is super annoying if I de-friend of block she will ask a lot f questions

- 😻😻😻 - 07-25-2013 08:57 PM

do as you said, block her lol.

- abraXus - 07-25-2013 09:04 PM

if you want to keep her as a friend, just add her to your restricted list

- This One - 07-25-2013 09:13 PM

Restrict her from most of your post, but only let her see a few of them so she won't suspect it and confront you.

1. Go to where you would update a status
2. Click "friends" next to the word "post"
3. Click "custom" (4th button down)
4. Write her name under "Don't share with..."

You can do the same thing with pictures

- Sassylover - 07-25-2013 09:24 PM

that's a really mean thing to do. just tell her somehow that you hate her and if she doesn't leave you alone, you will block her. don't actually block her. that's just mean