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Any Facebook "Music Like" section experts here? - Printable Version

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Any Facebook "Music Like" section experts here? - fetang ole - 07-25-2013 11:49 PM

Bit complex but...

Having "liked" my own bands profile it appears in my "likes" section as well as in my "music" section on my profile - however the "image" which appears in the Music Likes section is for a different band & the link when clicking the image takes you off to Spotify & plays a track belonging to the band whose image is shown ! - the "Text" link under the image correctly takes you to my bands Facebook profile.

The same issue occurs on everyone elses profile who have liked my band - its not a browser issue. I noticed that for most bands in my Music Likes section clicking the image takes you to their FB profile which is what you expect, but for some the link goes external to facebook to either myspace or spotify.

I cant see how it is possible to control the destination of the link - most serious issue for me is that the image & link is not my band ! - have unliked & liked several times to see if it sorts itself, but it doesn't Sad
Hi Justin - thanks for your answer, sorry I wasn't clear enough - I'm not typing anything here - just viewing the "icons" in the music likes section of the profile - rolling the mouse over the image of the band is all I am doing & clicking the image invokes the link. When you "like" a band page - you expect to see "that" bands profile image appear in your music likes section - not the image of a different band !

I have spoken to other FB users ho have this problem too, but despite several bug reports to facebook they have not responded.

- Justin - 07-25-2013 11:59 PM

the one that takes you some where else
is more than likely
when you typed the name and it gave you suggestions and the first name was highlighted and you pushed enter after you finished typing and it used the highlighted choice instead
just redo it but this time when the suggestion is highlighted move the mouse back to where you are typing and make sure the suggestion is not highlighted
good luck