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Question about talking to a girl on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Question about talking to a girl on Facebook? - Cedric - 07-27-2013 01:31 AM

It can be somebody I know even but like how can you start a convo with them, like especially say that you never really talked to them before or hung with them much, how can you talk to them and some how getting them to like you over Facebook? Also with somebody you don't know or not even friends with how would you say hi to them and then start talking to them and getting them to like you one Facebook, like what is so special techniques that you guys have experienced before, because right now I am craving for a girlfriend I really am.

- Katie - 07-27-2013 01:32 AM

Hi there.
Talking to a girl over text/ Facebook is really intimidating. But trust me its actually very easy. Here are some tips.
1. Never start a first conversation with 'hey Wink'. this will make you seem creepy and desperate, try introducing yourself and make small talk.
2. ask her questions. if I know anything girls, it's that they like to talk about themselves.
3. Dont make the conversation to long. This way she won't get bored and will leave her wanting more.
4. If you barely know a girl I suggest inviting her to hang out. It's a little weird if you message a stranger out of the blue.
5. After you know her well, give her small compliments. This will make her happy and want to talk to you.

Also, remember. Dont date someone because you're lonely, date them because you're ready.