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Will people think there is something wrong with me if I delete my Facebook? - Printable Version

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Will people think there is something wrong with me if I delete my Facebook? - Stef - 07-27-2013 08:38 PM

Facebook really annoys me for some reason. Maybe it's because 90% of the people who are my "friends" on Facebook are not my friends in real life. Then I am tempted to share stuff and waste time reading posts and looking at photos from random people (OK they are not random but I only sort-of know them) It's pretty much a waste of time but I can't lie that it's addicting. People who are actually my friends I see in real life, or I have their phone #, e-mail, or Skype. I don't need Facebook to keep in touch with them. However, I'm afraid if people think I'm an anti-social old-fashioned weirdo if I don't use this website anymore.

- Christopher - 07-27-2013 08:40 PM

Well...I kinda thing you're weird!

- Kelso - 07-27-2013 08:52 PM

No!!! They shouldn't anyways! It's up to you! It's YOUR facebook! Not theirs! You can do anything you want with it!

- samira - 07-27-2013 08:53 PM


- Jessy - 07-27-2013 08:57 PM

No way!
Do it!

I got rid of mine a looong time ago!
The only people who cared were old ex boyfriends and drama people!

Just give a simple answer a day or two before "I'm getting rid of my Facebook for a period of time to try and "clear my head" this summer.

Make something cheesy up, people always think you're so cool when you "give up" something to "become a better person"
Tacky cheesy none sense most of the time.
But that'll sum it up for them.

Plus, you can always re-activate it if something comes up Smile

- Nick - 07-27-2013 09:01 PM

C'mon man, so they gonna think you're weird because you're not using Stupid Facebook? Dude you know this stuff is lowering your IQ rate right? and you don't have to use it just because all people do, you should know that people who don't use facebook Are the pure generation or what i like to call the shit-clean Generation ha ha, no man do it and don't give a shit about them sociability is not measured by how long you sit in front of facebook.......ha ha good luck Smile