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How on earth do I promote/market my social media website? - Printable Version

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How on earth do I promote/market my social media website? - londonguy80 - 10-12-2012 07:50 PM

Hi guys

I have adopted the Million Dollar Homepage model to use for social media, micro-advertising -

So what I mean is that if you twitter or flickr, you can get very cheap advertising on a virtual billboard.

The question is how do I get people to visit my site (especially as the first 100 visitors get free advertising)?

Should I start a blog, buy google ads, comment on high-volume blogs, use squidoo, get a facebook page, try and get someone to write an article, go on forums, use YouTube more (

Any thoughts would be great!!!


London guy

- Kippy - 10-12-2012 07:58 PM

You could spam everyone you know... and create stupid chain letters than tell people to visit the site or they'll have bad luck.

- chocolate - 10-12-2012 07:58 PM

Start out by telling people you know. You can do this a number of ways, telephone, email word of mouth. You will be surprised how word speads. Almost everyone you tell will tell someone. Try getting a facebook page or myspace get friends spread the word that way. Hope this helps

- Chris - 10-12-2012 07:58 PM

The quickest way will be Pay Per Click. You can land on the front page and see which keywords are performing and which ones are not. Going to facebook, myspace etc. will be much lower volume of traffic but likely convert to a sales at a higher%.

You can start a blog however if your blog is not optimized it will not be seen either. I went to your site and there is a lot of room for optimization and link building.

If you like can provide you with a comprehensive site analysis which will show you what I mean.

- bad girl - 10-12-2012 07:58 PM

Look and advertise your website there.
I found it through an article that specifically listed as a good website that sells high quality traffic. I purchased 50000 visitors to my website, and noticed the difference before I even checked my logs! I am so glad that I finally found a way to market my website that can be done quickly. I know I've found a working method!

I just wanted to say how impressed I was with there service. My campaigns were set up promptly and delivered as promised. I was impressed with the results as well. I purchased traffic for two of my websites and I received over 21450 signups for the first website and over 31030 signups for the second. (That's less than $0.001 a lead! Try finding that elsewhere!).

There advertising works great. I'm using a direct landing page for my campaign and have been tracking every ad. A very high amount of visitors have been browsing my site and my conversion rates have gone up..

Ever since I began advertising with Quality Traffic Supply, my sales have greatly increased. Since I now have a steady source of traffic which is targeted to my content, I now get a good return on investment. There traffic has worked wonders for me. Every $1 I spend there I bring in another $30!

- JOSEPH A - 10-12-2012 07:58 PM

I have being using Ibuzzpro now for years, it is the best so far that i know to promote any type of business and makes you money at the same time.
No cold calling, easy, simple and profitable.