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My facebook isnt working!!! I need help!!!? - Printable Version

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My facebook isnt working!!! I need help!!!? - Sushigurl123 - 07-29-2013 02:32 AM

My facebook app is not letting me login into my account. When I go on my computer(I use internet explorer) it logs me in but then my games aren't working...what's happening to my account?! Did someone hack it or something??

- celticlass8888 - 07-29-2013 02:37 AM

Yes, games are down...all of them...they will fix it soon...but I miss my Candy Crush ;-)

- ashley - 07-29-2013 02:43 AM

Its happening to me too. Maybe a new update or something.

- Daniel - 07-29-2013 02:56 AM

Make Sure you put in the Correct Login Information On your Phone and As Far as the Games Goes Make Sure Flash player is installed and is Working Correctly