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Can Facebook block two friends from each other? - Printable Version

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Can Facebook block two friends from each other? - Jack Rhodes - 07-29-2013 06:53 AM

My Facebook friend and I sometimes have heated debates about politics, religion, etc. Without warning both our pages have disappeared from the other. Our pages are visible to everyone else. Can Facebook block us from each other or is there a glitch in the system?

- Faery - 07-29-2013 06:57 AM

He could have blocked you. People can choose who they block and when they block a certain person they can't see you and you can't see them. They are also deleted from your friends list if they were one of your friends.

- abraXus - 07-29-2013 07:12 AM

no facebook does not do that

either your "friend" blocked you and is lying about it, or one of you got reported for your behavior and facebook suspended your account

or the person deactivated their account

- Al mamun - 07-29-2013 07:24 AM


- Daniel - 07-29-2013 07:26 AM

No Facebook Does Not Do That Either you Or The Other Person Has Blocked Each Other If Both of you Claim That You Didint Do it Than Somebody is Not Telling the Truth