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how do i prevent friends on facebook from seeing how many friends i have? - Printable Version

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how do i prevent friends on facebook from seeing how many friends i have? - G. Hancock - 07-31-2013 05:08 AM

- ninjamaaaaaa - 07-31-2013 05:18 AM

This works best on the computer, rather than mobile version.
Go to your profile and there should be a pencil-looking icon next to the title 'friends' and click on it and change the settings. At least that's how I did it a while back. There have been many changes so the fix may be within the private settings. If that's the case, then go to private settings which I think is in the top right corner near your name and can be accessed by clicking on the settings icon.
hope that helps, if not, then I am very sorry I wasted your time!

- abraXus - 07-31-2013 05:33 AM

you would have to hide your whole friends list (you cant hide just the number)

- Daniel - 07-31-2013 05:44 AM

The Only Thing you Can Do is Hide your Friends List To Do That Go to your Friends List Click on the Pencil And Click on Edit Privacy Or if you have the Old Timeline Version Click on the Small Box and Change it to Me Only Hope i Helped

- Naveen - 07-31-2013 05:54 AM

Change the settings in the friend list by clicking on the pencil from 'Friends' to 'Only Me'.