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how should I use social marketing to drive more sales to my business? - Printable Version

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how should I use social marketing to drive more sales to my business? - Tera - 10-12-2012 08:59 PM

Whats the best ways of exploiting social networking to boost my sales online?

- Brockow - 10-12-2012 09:07 PM

It depends on your industry, but it's best to keep fresh content on your site, and link to the content on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Write blog posts that address the consumer's real needs as opposed to exclusively promotional material. This will mean that you'll need to do some market research to see what it is that people want to know more about. A good place to do that sort of research is on Yahoo Answers, and other discussion forums.

The most critical part of social networking is to actually network. Some businesses make the mistake of posting but never actually interacting. Take the time to research people and organizations that you'd like to follow, and interact with them. Retweet their posts, reply, and let others know about interesting material on the web.

I could go on and on, but that should get you started. Post often, interact with lots of people, and that should get you moving along nicely.

- rpu - 10-12-2012 09:07 PM

In face book you need fans. In tweeter you need followers. Not fakes but real once. But the problem is to have such a lot it takes time. The answer is to use a honest provider of followers and fans to your account. Actually it is the best and only way to boost your business.

Wish you all the best!