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Why wouldn't the lion advocate for a free market jungle of social Darwinism survival of the fittest? - Printable Version

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Why wouldn't the lion advocate for a free market jungle of social Darwinism survival of the fittest? - Trout - 10-12-2012 09:24 PM

Free market no holds barred --- The Lion pack has a few things in their back pockets they are free to use --

Free from the perspective of the Lions that dominate the international trade and production transfer are big with large teeth and can act independently or as a group to do their hunting

Free to purchase large tracks of land strangle hold through prices demand and supply the value of any product crush any competitor and make slaves out of vast regions by offering employment at any rate the market they created and managed will be able to endure

Under cut your profit margin for years if need be on any commodity or service --- long term or short term investment to own the entire market share which is only a fancey step away from winning the hearts and minds by controlling their food and money supply along with the entertainment and news

Why wouldn't the lion advocate for a free market jungle of social Darwinism survival of the fittest?
If you see yourself as the Lion --- associated with the Lion or protected by the Lion in some manner then fine say so

But can you point to your office on the top of an ivory tower from your black limo and show me their party invite to the jet setting crowds or are you just desperately hoping displays of love and loyalty will make the Lion more likely to want to protect and not eat you ?

You do realise your advocating for the slave masters right to own you and yours in free market lion oriented arenas for generations yet to come --- Your not the lion your not even close to it --- International jet setter owner of industrial might capable of changing the economy and market with the stroke of a pen

It is natural that a THEY should have so much power over the YOU and is it natural you advocate for their freedoms but not your own in this case and likely others ? Is that a natural state for man -- advocating for the right of the owner to continue owning ?

- Trout - 10-12-2012 09:32 PM

We already have anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws on the books.

Those are all the restrictions we need to free trade.

If you don't like what the lion has to sell, buy from the deer.

- Philip H - 10-12-2012 09:32 PM

Of course the lion would think that way. But then, the lion isn't human and doesn't think like a human.
How many animals do think like humans?
Responsible people set limits and won't cross ethical boundaries.
Those who behave irresponsibly must be held liable for any harm they cause.

- Ruth - 10-12-2012 09:32 PM

Why wouldn't the ant? What's your point, besides proving that capitalism is natural.

Free market capitalism is the best defense we have against the oppression of the lion.

- Pfo - 10-12-2012 09:32 PM

If the lion abuses their position of power they could exhaust their food supply, endangering their future. There's a lot more balance going on in social darwinism that you are not considering.

- Virgil Singletooth - 10-12-2012 09:32 PM

Not sure exactly what your definition of a "lion" is, but I'm all for free markets. Especially with regard to health care. If Republicans need a triple bypass, they should shop the job around from Dr. to Dr.and go with the lowest bidder. Maybe they could get it done in Peru! Viva capitalism!

- Ray Here - 10-12-2012 09:32 PM

I know it is just terrible that people make more than the others
Why is it when ever I get my shoes shined in a 3 rd world country I always hear ''are you staying in that hotel? much does it cost per night?...ho that is more than I make in a month'' Little 3rd world salesmanship here?
Why are the prices in an English menu are always higher that the ones in the language of the country I'm in at the time?
Why is it in Canada I must always carry Canadian money has they well never give me the correct change if I give them a U S dollar is Canada a 3rd world country?''