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Using someones photo? - Printable Version

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Using someones photo? - Oprah - 08-01-2013 08:52 PM

I made an account on twitter and made up all the information just from my head and then used someone else's photo but none of their information , they found out and said they will tell the police, can the police do anything
I didn't use any of their personal information tho

- anonymous - 08-01-2013 09:07 PM

Yes deactivate the account its identity theft and its very punishable , we are talking prison. Say sorry and delete the account its very possible you can get locked up for this

- Fred - 08-01-2013 09:17 PM

you can get a very long prison sentence for that. And you can't even deny it now as you just publicly admitted it on a site monitored by every police and government agency and which stores all your details for years.

- Dafni - 08-01-2013 09:21 PM

Just deactivate the account. I know about several people that their photo was stolen or used in an offensive page or group on facebook but nothing has ever happened to the ones that stole the photos other than the group/page being deleted. But either way, they don't have your information, right? So, nothing can happen. Don't be scared, just delete the profile and that's that.