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Is Facebook just getting old? - Printable Version

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Is Facebook just getting old? - Mia - 08-01-2013 10:17 PM

I know people use Facebook, but it seems like nowadays its just starting to get old. Because usually when I posted a status or picture, Id get a decent amount of likes. Or Id usually see a lot of other people posting statuses. But now I don't see it often.

- Michael - 08-01-2013 10:18 PM

Well, Facebook only shows the people you are active with on your news feed. Maybe the ones who's pages you post on or receive posted from or message just aren't as active as they used to be.

- SAMUEL MUKURA - 08-01-2013 10:23 PM

When you post a status it is only commented or likes bu one who are online.
may be some friends of yours aren't ative

- Erica - 08-01-2013 10:30 PM

Many young people in their teens and possibly young adult age have become less interested in Facebook, and many of them have started using Twitter more frequently. Some people continue to use Facebook as a place for posting important statuses or photo albums, but do not use it on a regular basis.
One of the reasons to why Facebook is "getting old" could be because more adults such as parents and relatives of the younger users have started using Facebook. The younger users, who originally used Facebook to express feelings and communicate with friends, feel as though their family members have somehow invaded their privacy. Because they are family, the users feel like they HAVE to accept friend requests from them. The younger users eventually moved on to Twitter because it provided them the escape from the watching eyes of their older relatives, who haven't found Twitter yet.
Facebook is dying among the younger users, at least for now. When they are older they may switch back to Facebook. For now, the people using Facebook on a regular basis are mostly older (20+), and the others are mostly on Twitter.

- Daniel - 08-01-2013 10:43 PM

No its Not Getting Old Plenty of People Still Use it Some People Tho May Not Be Using it Because They are Busy or Dont Have Time For Facebook