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How do I remove a photo of me that was uploaded by someone else on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I remove a photo of me that was uploaded by someone else on Facebook? - John Miller - 08-02-2013 12:53 PM

So there is a guy that likes to make fun of me so he took my class photo and photoshopped a huge beard on my face and made me look like a bum and uploaded it to his facebook. I reported that photo but facebook replied that that photo doesn't break any rules so they didn't take it down. I think it should be taken down because it humiliates me and it's against my privacy to use my photo without my permission, and on top of that he made me look like a bum and everyone is sending me messages with the link to that photo. How can I take it down? Is there any way? Deleting my account won't help because people are still going to shove that photo to my face at shool with their mobile phones. Please help me

- Kevin - 08-02-2013 01:02 PM

you can't but if i were you i would fuck him up.

- Joe - 08-02-2013 01:18 PM

If he's taken an image of you & manipulated it without your consent & posted it for the sole purpose of libeling you & damaging your reputation then I think you've got very good grounds for a strong complaint to the Facebook authorities.

I suggest you contact the Facebook authorities again & say this person is using a photo of you against your express wishes & in such a way that can only be described as for the sole purpose of humiliating you.

In the meantime I suggest you make it publicly known that you didn't give him consent to take & use that photo of you in that way, that you demand he removes it immediately, & that you'll take legal action unless he does so.

I suggest you contact Citizens' Advice for the sort of legal action you can take. Also if you're still at school I suggest you tell & show your school principle the way the photo is being used & tell him/her how they're using it on their phones for the sole purpose of tormenting you.

If you're on his Facebook as a friend I suggest you make a post saying in no uncertain terms that he is to take the photo down immediately because he's used it without your consent, & that you are in the process of taking legal advice that will lead to legal action unless he complies with your wishes.

If you live with your parents I suggest you show them the photo & explain to them how & why he's using it, & ask them to contact the school on your behalf. What he's doing is a clear case of cyber bullying & there's no way that can be justified. I'm not sure, but I would expect Facebook has clear policy guidelines about cyber bullying, which it sounds like you have a strong case, with proof, that he is violating.

Good luck.