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Is there a way to stop tagged photos appearing on your timeline on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is there a way to stop tagged photos appearing on your timeline on Facebook? - Lil Lilly - 08-03-2013 12:02 AM

I am new to Facebook and I would like to know:

1) If I get tagged in a photo can I agree to be tagged in it but then stop it appearing on my timeline? (What are the steps to doing this)

2) Do people get offended if you don't want to be tagged in a photo (even though the pic is okay?)

3) Can you delete things off your wall if they have been accepted onto it?


- Doll - 08-03-2013 12:11 AM

Go into settings...from there tagging and timeline.

- Tyran - 08-03-2013 12:17 AM

You can un-tag yourself, but i cant remember how, I forgot how Confused I think its at the bottom of the photo you can remove tag. People generally do not get offended, also, if you go to your timeline, hover over the thing you want to be deleted, in the top right hand corner, click on the downwards arrow and click "Hide from timeline" hope i helped

- FestivalGirl - 08-03-2013 12:25 AM

You can't stop it appearing but once it's on there you can remove it by clicking on the pencil in the box they appear in (top right corner) You can remove the tag by clicking on the picture and then options. People may get offended but i'm not if they even know you have untagged yourself. If they confront you about it just say you're really particular about photos or that you don't want to be tagged. Yep you can delete things of your wall whenever you want. I hope this helped<3<3

- Potterhead - 08-03-2013 12:31 AM

1) Yes you can-where it appears on your timeline, click the edit button next to the pic on the top right hand corner and click "hide from timeline"
2) Depends on who it is i guess! But no i've never had this problem! Tagging doesn't really matter!
3) Yes you can- where it appears on your timeline, click the edit button next to the pic on the top right hand corner and click "report/remove tag" Or if it's your own post or picture, you can do the same and click "delete photo"/"delete post/comment"
hope this helped!
Also there are a lot or privacy settings you can change like if someone tags you, they have to have your permission first or whatever! It's pretty cool!

- Cassie - 08-03-2013 12:45 AM

1. First you should change the settings about who can tag you, so go to
Turn on "Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline".
If you do that you get a notification when you've been tagged and you can decide if you want it to be shown on your timeline or not.

If it has already been posted and you don't want it on your timeline, go to your timeline, hover over it and click on the pencil, then Delete.

If you want to totally remove the tag, hover over it and click report/remove tag. You can remove the tag there or request that the photo get taken down.

2. I doubt it.

3. Yes