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No Gimmicks Just Shoots Ep. 1? - The Angry IWC Guy - 10-12-2012 09:59 PM

This is my first shoot. The Topic is "WWE getting celebrities for attention".
Also rate the rant

WWE wants to become something more than wrestling. They want to become an entertainment brand. They want to reach "extraordinary" heights in the world of "show-biz'. What WWE and Vince McMahon don't realize is that, they are a WRESTLING promotion! They aren't ET or ABC or anything like that no matter how hard they try to be like them. WWE is WRESTLING. WRESTLERS WRESTLE in a WRESTLING ring. They don't go out for a "scene" they don't take "cuts" in the middle of a match. And WWE wants to further itself away from the wrestling industry by introducing celebrities, yes gawd damn celebrities into their show! Yeah, I know celebs have been on WWE numerous times in the past, but that was for WrestleMania only. The all of a sudden WWE wanted celebrities on their show every week, so they introduced "The RAW Guest Host" thing, which was a pretty damn stupid idea is you ask me. Its one thing when you have celebrities in WWE just for WrestleMania, but every week on the show. You know what that's doing? That is taking all of the credibility away from the WWE Superstars who are there more than once a week and go out there in that WRESTLING ring to work their @sses off! But here comes Ozzy Osbourne or Seth Green or Shaq to take away that spotlight from the actual WRESTLERS. WWE should focus more on their employees instead of f{U}cking celebrities. Now they got that chris brown thing going on now. First of all nobody gives a damn about Chris Brown. He beat his girlfriend, he has f{U}cking anger management, and the fans and the media turned on him. And of all celebrities WWE wanted to have some kind of thing going with Chris Brown. WWE if you think Chris is gonna help you get attention, then you're as dumb and pathetic than I thought you were. All I'm wondering is, who's f{U}{cking idea was this? Was it that beaver looking piece of sh{I}t Kevin Dunn, was it that lying two faced weasel Laurinaitis? Was it Vince's idea. Cause if it was that "genius" label that Vince has has gone down the toilet. Why on Earth would you want to have some "twitter war" with a celebrity or anybody? It makes you look stupid it makes your company look stupid. I think that WWE and this social media is just a stupid idea in the first place. If WWE wants to chat with fans then put Lil Jimmy on speed dial, for crying out loud! The thing that WWE doesn't get is that the three stooges, ABC, NBC, and CBS hate Pro Wrestling. They do not want to mention it AT ALL! And the only way for WWE to get "mentioned' is to have a celebrity come on their show "CLAIM" that they watch WWE all the time and gives us bull sh{I}t like that and have some sort of altercation with Hornswoggle or the divas. Well WWE if your that damn desperate to get on the news, why don't you kill somebody and throw him in the ocean if you want to get on the news so f{U}cking bad! And if you don't get on the news so f{U}cking what! You're a wrestling company, you're not suppose to get on the news, you're not supposed to be a huge trend! What you're suppose to do WWE is give your fans that you say you care about which we all know you don't and give them a good show every week and you haven't been doing a good job of that lately. You have to sell out events and make money. And I am sick and tired of that b{I}tch Michael Cole going on and on about something trending worldwide. "This is a number one topic on twitter, blah, blah, blah, f{U}ck you! Nothing WWE does trend worldwide. I remember one time, they had a little box show up on the screen that said "Santino Marella and at the top it said worldwide trend". I laughed so hard I literally pissed myself! I mean does vince think we're that stupid that we would believe something as foolish as that?! And then they have that little "Did You Know" crap. "Did You Know WWE has more Facebook followers than this celebrity and that celebrity. First WWE tries to be friends with the celebrities and now they want to be better than them?! WWE tries to hard with this celebrity, media bullsh{I}t! Its just too much for one wrestling fan to handle. Cause Vince is "ashamed" to be a wrestling product and now he wants to get all close with entertainment. Well let me tell you something Vince, wrestling is what made you popular, wrestling is what made your product a success. And if I could go to your house and put a big "F{U}CK YOU!" on your doorstep I would! All that I'm trying to say is WWE please go back to wrestling and quit it with the celebrities! Kim Kardashian, Snoop Dog, I bet you want Barney on RAW next too?! Him and Cena can team together to take on Fred Flinstone and Mr. Belding. Give me a BREAK!

WQ: What are your thoughts about WWE

- JollyMastermind627 - 10-12-2012 10:07 PM

hm Paul E or Jim Cornette were better avatars this one just sucks. So did you really type that? Celebrities suck.

- StephenNGN - 10-12-2012 10:07 PM

great job. i really liked this, i agree the wwe shouldnt even have celebrities at wm as it takes valuable time from the young guys, young guys work there @ss off to get a match at wm and that time is taken from celebs that dont have any business in a wwe ring...

- Luckybook533 - 10-12-2012 10:07 PM

Bravo. You worded it very well man. I'm glad you went with this topic I gave you because this crap has been pi$$ing me off too. I f'n hate it when celebrities are on there. Back when Austin and Rock were full time wrestlers the WWF/E was selling out arenas and had A LOT more viewers than now days. Now days they hardly ever sell out an arena and do NOT get as much viewers as they did back then. Vince is just killing his own creation and hopefully when Triple H gets it he will turn s**t around and help revive WRESTLING.

- CajunAsian - 10-12-2012 10:07 PM

Wow. Nice rant. WWE has not been Professional Wrestling for many years. About the time they hired writers and fired the bookers. Vince went out of his way to place distance between his brand and athletic competition because it allowed him to circumvent athletic commissions. Pesky things like drug tests and all of that.... Oh wait...the WWE Wellness Policy....a few people had to die before that appeared unfortunately.

Hiring celebrities....putting announcers over wrestlers....hyping Twitter every few minutes. It does get old and makes us older fans cringe. What can you say, though? The kiddies love it. The new generation has the attention span of gnats and the WWE caters to it. How else can you explain the popularity of BS like Reality TV?

At least the true WRESTLING FANS have ROH, PWG and the independents

- London Morrison - 10-12-2012 10:07 PM

Dude I wish a wrestler would have the balls to come out in the ring and say this. Because this is the truth and I guarantee every single fan would get behind that wrestler and say yeah Vince fuck you. But sadly these bitches don't have the balls I would I be like fuck this company ya can fire me Idgaf.

- bravegoldfish464 - 10-12-2012 10:07 PM

Wow, this was amazing. Keep it up man.
WQ: Well you summed it up perfectly lol. WWE nowdays is pretty much stale. It's not like what it was before in the old WWF days.