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Why can't I use my password I've been using for 5 years on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why can't I use my password I've been using for 5 years on Facebook? - DeEbic021 - 08-03-2013 07:39 AM

According to Facebook, someone tried to hack my account from Florida. But I don't know anyone in Florida, so it's impossible someone was trying to hack me... but Facebook made me change my password (even though I said it as okay) and then I tried changing back to my original password and they say I can't use that password. I have a very generic e-mail adress name, so this happens a lot, people would accidently type my e-mail or something, but I can usually change it back, I guess the new Facebook privacy settings have made it like this. But it's annoying that for every account I have, I use that password, I can't on the account I use most. So for now, I'm using a different password, but sooner or later, I'm going to run out of ideas for passwords, so anyone know how to fix this?

- Egidio; X - 08-03-2013 07:43 AM

go here: