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How to tell strict/overprotective parent you habe a facebook (see description)? - Printable Version

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How to tell strict/overprotective parent you habe a facebook (see description)? - Haley - 08-03-2013 01:21 PM

okay so I am not suppost to have a facebook until now (parents ruling) but I've had one for almost 2 years My mom just found out by looking through an old ipod touch of mine. We had a lomg convo and she is okay. But now I have to tell my dad who is a lot more...strict. How could I tell him? he is already barely willing to give me one now. And i've been very smart and mature with it. Thank you so much. and in the past when i've asked they've said no.

- Mujer Alta - 08-03-2013 01:37 PM

Can't your mom help you? From what you've said, it seems like you've stayed out of trouble and have handled you Facebook account maturely. You're probably going to have to offer up something in return for disobeying him. Is he susceptible to a good dinner? Get him full and then break the news along with whatever you're willing to bargain. Offering to make your Facebook account always available to your parents is a good start.