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What to do about a video posted about meout me? - Printable Version

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What to do about a video posted about meout me? - Calvin - 08-03-2013 08:46 PM

I live in a small town so word spreads fast my friend posted a video of me doing something stupid on Facebook I didn't realized he posted it until well most of my parents friends coworkers my friends parents had all seen it he took it down a day after it was up but everyone has seen it

- Daniel - 08-03-2013 08:58 PM

Just Becareful What you Do And What Gets Recorded on Video Not Much you Can Do Since it Was Already Seen

- Envy - 08-03-2013 09:12 PM

you should be mad at him for posting stuff for posting stuff without ur permission it you was doing something sexually i don't know what to tell you but if ur was really doing something silly be like i was just playing around if they all don't work be like it was edited