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Is there a way I can see if someone copies/saves my photos from my facebook? - Printable Version

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Is there a way I can see if someone copies/saves my photos from my facebook? - niq - 08-03-2013 10:03 PM

Recently, my friends have been telling me that a fake page was trying to add them, so I went to investigate. I found a fake page and they not only stole my photos but this person stole photos of other people's kids and claiming to be "a family". The weird thing for me is that there was more than one photo of me & the kids involved. Since then I've reported the page, but what would posses someone to do something like this? Why would someone take photos of children and claim them as theirs? And is there a way I can track who copies my photos?
That's the thing. My facebook profile IS private. So that means someone on my friends list possibly done it.

- ducky - 08-03-2013 10:05 PM

It tends to be peadophiles ect that impersonate family's. the best way of stopping this is changing your privacy on your Facebook so only your Facebook friends can see you photos and no one else.

- Kittysue - 08-03-2013 10:13 PM

There is no way that you can find out who copied your pictures. That's impossible
That's why you should always make sure your Facebook privacy is set to Private so ONLY your friends can access your page and your photos. As long as it's not private, there is nothing preventing any scammer or pervert from copying pictures of you and your kids

If you are worried, you can file a police report

- Tim - 08-03-2013 10:19 PM

send a mail to facebook with a scan of your identity card,and they'll delete the page.