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How to creat facebook page? - Printable Version

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How to creat facebook page? - Abhinav kumar - 08-04-2013 12:03 PM

- parnik - 08-04-2013 12:12 PM

just scroll down u will find 'create page' option just scroll down n down

- KJBALAJI - 08-04-2013 12:23 PM

go here..

- Justine - 08-04-2013 12:32 PM

go to on the homepage it will ask info about you, just start filling it in and youre on your way to creating one

- Pedro - 08-04-2013 12:43 PM

thats very easy to do.

1st: go to but dont login

2nd: click in a think that says:
"Create a Page for a celebrity, band or business."

Thats it!

- Rajit - 08-04-2013 12:54 PM

Scroll down your facebook account you will find create page icon click over there.

- Hemant - 08-04-2013 01:01 PM

go to the facebook home page find the create option, fill the fields and follow the instruction.

- Asley - 08-04-2013 01:06 PM

You should see 6 major categories here. Click the one that has to do with the Page you're looking to create, and more options will pop up that will help you drill down further into a subcategory. So, if I wanted to create a Facebook Page for my personal website, I'd choose "Brand or Product," and then "Website."

When done, you can then type out the "Name" for your page. Be absolutely sure that you're happy with your Page name, because it will be in the Page's URL (something of interest to you SEO pros), and next to every post and reply you make on the page. Keep it short and sweet! If your Facebook Page is for your personal website named "," it would be best to name the page either "Joe's Car Blog" or "".
Depending on what "category" you choose, your Facebook Page will have different fields in its "About" area. So, some choices will give you a "working hours" or "awards" field, while others won't display these. These are all hard-coded for each subcategory.

Technically speaking, you now own a Facebook Page! As you can see, it's bland and needs some serious modifications. Next, we'll start customizing the page:

In this resource, we'll go over each part, and what it means to you as a Facebook Page administrator. While everything looks simple enough, there are a lot of things you'll really need to know about each section of your Page. Using the numbers on this screenshot, here are the sections in this guide:

Profile Picture: This picture is a permanent fixture on the upper left corner of your Page. It also represents you whenever you post information or links on the page.

Page Title: Your page is as good as what it's named. Once you reach 200 "likes," it's permanent. The category, however, can be edited anytime.

"About" Section: This small area allows you to include a very brief description of what your page is about, and should be used as a greeting for brand new visitors.

Page Body: The main event of your page. This is where you post new information or calls to action, and where your Page fans respond to them.

Page "Likes" Showcase: This often overlooked area is actually a big way to promote your other pages (or those of other Facebook Pages).

Admin Panel: As an admin, only you can see everything within this region. This is where you'll be able to edit how and what the page displays.

Cover Image: The "cover" image is a newer feature that lets you add a custom made dashboard graphic to your page to spice it up or draw attention to something.

- Arun - 08-04-2013 01:20 PM

You can easily create a Facebook page. Just create a page button and fill up your information. Click save button to save it.

- Actualseo - 08-04-2013 01:24 PM

Actual seo media Guide you in well efficient manner how to create you Facebook page and how to promote it. You an share you business information or unique things in front of the world.