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When a phone plan says free Facebook does that also mean the data usage? - Printable Version

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When a phone plan says free Facebook does that also mean the data usage? - Mick - 08-04-2013 02:22 PM

- FreedomHacker - 08-04-2013 02:32 PM

No. It probably means the facebook app comes free, or it comes with some sort of integration. Using facebook will still use up the data plan.

- Ann - 08-04-2013 02:46 PM

means facebook is already installed in on the phone, which is stupid, because facebook is free anyway to download, but this way you are sure the phone supports it. then you must pay for internet service / data usage.

- Daniel - 08-04-2013 02:59 PM

No it Just Means It Comes With the Free Facebook App It Does Not Mean your Data Is Free your Data Usage Cost will be What Ever your Carrier Charges you For it