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Pathetic question about facebook and likes? - Printable Version

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Pathetic question about facebook and likes? - jonny - 08-04-2013 02:59 PM

I know this is a pretty pointless thing for most people to care about, but I have a question concerning something that happened on facebook.

So I posted a status saying that I was going skydiving the next day and 20 people liked it, then I posted the video where I was skydiving and thought more people would "like" it but only 10 people did?

Do people not watch videos on facebook that much or something?

it made me realize that I need to lay off facebook for a few months as well If i care about pointless things like this.

Answers are appreciated though.

- Kitty - 08-04-2013 03:00 PM

A lot of people don't bother watching videos, it only takes a second to like a status, but it takes more time to actually watch a video. Also many people scroll their facebook newsfeed on their phone or tablet in public, without earphones and obviously do not want to disturb people with the video, lots of people might not watch it if its a long video, also if the video is posted at a time when not many people are on facebook, it can be lost among thousands of other posts. Honestly though, don't worry about it, its no big deal. Plus, 10 likes is better 0! Smile xx

- abraXus - 08-04-2013 03:09 PM

the content of the post is sometimes not as important as WHEN you post it

people have more free time on the weekends usually... and depending on your friends, they may be more busy at night versus the day or vice versa

and if your friends have tons and tons of friends, they will often miss your posts because their newsfeed is clogged up with their friends' posts, or sometimes clogged up with posts from attention seeking like pages

in the end, it really doesnt matter how many people like it

post what you want, and if no one likes it, no big deal... it doesnt mean they didnt see it... they arent obligated to click on like just because they saw it

- petite759 - 08-04-2013 03:20 PM

I sometimes like watching videos on facebook,but sometimes I cant as I volunteer in a senior center,i usually have to ask permission to use their touch screen computer,on weekends they shut the computer off,so im out of luck.i would've liked to have seen that video.

- Alvin Truong - 08-04-2013 03:23 PM

In my experience, anything that require more than 10 secs to read will be ignored.

That's FB.