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How do I hide from my timeline what I post in a group on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I hide from my timeline what I post in a group on Facebook? - Superinfogirl - 08-04-2013 05:10 PM

I have joined a religious group on facebook and I want to share links, videos on their wall, but I dont want my friends to know about it in their news feed since they may get offended by what I share. How do I share links, youtube videos on that particular GROUP's wall without anyone in my friends list knowing I have shared it? Pl help. Thank you...

- Daniel - 08-04-2013 05:21 PM

Add them to the Restricted List Thats About the Best you Can Do

- Avinash - 08-04-2013 05:29 PM

I think only people in the group can see what you post... No one else should be able to see it ideally... This setting must be there by default...

I am not sure of it but i think this is the solution you are seeking for...

Mail me if you have any further concerns...

Hope this helps...
