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How long after I deactivate my fb does my account permanently get deleted? - Printable Version

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How long after I deactivate my fb does my account permanently get deleted? - Kayla Perez - 08-05-2013 04:37 AM

I deactivated my fb due personal reasons, however I would still like to use my account when im ready to reactivate. I was wondering how long do I have until my fb permanently deletes?

- Daniel - 08-05-2013 04:45 AM

It Does Not Permanently Delete It Stays There Until your Ready to Return you Just Log Back In When your Ready Unless you Delete Through this link

if you Deleted Through that link Than you Used the Wrong Procedure and it will Be Deleted in 14 Days

- Mr Y - 08-05-2013 04:59 AM

Use the link the other guy sent. But FYI, nothing is deleted on Facebook. They said it'll take 14 days or 2 weeks before it's deleted. It would only take 2 minutes to actually delete your profile and all of your information. Reason why it's taking them 2 weeks is because they're still saving it but telling you it's deleted. Why? To sell your information to companies and other corporations.

F*ck Mark Zuckerberg.