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How do I get my friend off of Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I get my friend off of Facebook? - 21-E6 - 08-05-2013 06:20 AM

We started off as great friends, always playing Legos, yugioh, video games, but since he got a smart phone all of that is history. He doesn't come to my house to hang out he just uses my wifi considering he doesn't have any. Facebook is his primary problem but if he's not on that he's on youtube, or 4chan or tumblr and I can't get him off. I need some suggestions as to get him off of his phone and actually enjoy the real world. He's been my best friend for years so I can't just stop talking to him but instead of smashing his phone I'd like to just get him off of it.

- Ronald - 08-05-2013 06:25 AM

i had a friend like that once who was consumed by technolgies.. i drenched his computer in my vodka and lit it on fire. never used the computer again but he stopped talking to me though

- Ronald - 08-05-2013 06:30 AM

Sounds like it's time for an intervention. Have you tried talking to him and explaining how you feel about this? Just tell 'em what's bothering you. If you guys are truly friends, I think he'd understand. Tell him that you feel like it's messing up your friendship and you don't like it. Maybe that'll show him that being on these social networks all the time is doing to his social life.