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can someone hack my facebook account after I deactivate it? - Printable Version

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can someone hack my facebook account after I deactivate it? - فتاة ميسوبيتيميا - 08-05-2013 09:18 AM

I deactivate my account along time ago and two days ago my friend told me that my account has been reactive again! and I have no idea about that. She told that my profile pic has appeared again and she sent me a message on the private(thinking that it is me) and before that she can't send anything!
Also, can someone hack my email account? and how should I know about this. Maybe he is not going to change anything just to spy on me...I have doubt of my ex gay friend!!

- Mahsa - 08-05-2013 09:33 AM

yes but if u completely remove it no one can hack that account any more!

- Micha - 08-05-2013 09:45 AM

I don't think they can unless they hack into your email and re-activate it from there. There is a specific amount of time which allows you to re-activate your account after you de-activate it. But, once that time has expired, then its deleted forever.

I hope you get to the bottom of this...


- MUTANT X - 08-05-2013 09:58 AM

Its very possible. Believe it or not, YOU gave him the power to do that too.

Depending on how much he knows about you, it could be time to change your facebook, e-mail of befriend him again

- Rahul - 08-05-2013 10:11 AM

yes its possible to hack your email from your email we can easily change the face book password or retrieve accounts as my suggestion is to change your email password in strong strength so that no one could guess and hack.

- sandra (; - 08-05-2013 10:19 AM

There's no way to completely "remove" Facebook. Unless someone has your login info, you're the only one who can reactivate it again. If I were you, I'd log back in to my Facebook, change the pass/email, then deactivate again just to make sure no one can hack it again.
And again the only way someone can hack your email account is if they have your login info. Make sure you don't stay logged in after you're done checking your email.

- Jonathan - 08-05-2013 10:22 AM

it is hard to hack your Email account but not impossible if the hacker isn't lazy he will do it ,now face book accounts i only know of 7 ways to hack that and i think there is still a hell lot more of ways,and also yes they can hack your account after you deactivate it but it is harder then when its activated.
I am not gonna tell you the ways i know of hacking but i am gonna tell you some ways , because there is no way you can prevent it, the hacker will not fail his hacking ! this is what you can do..

1:make a new Email (you cant make a new fb account with the same Email) and account with a totally different name and add FRIENDS not just people you know.
2:try not to do so much activity on your account (for a very important reason) i cannot tell you why.
3:make an anti hacker password such as something that will confuse the binary form of hacking,like something that doesn't make any sense at all or put a link of something, i can tell you why: it will be exhausting for the hacker to find out the link.
4Big Grino not EVER accept links from anyone unless you are completely sure its safe.
5:program you computer to not accept so many cookies and use more frequently incognito browsing instead of normal browsing.
6Big Grino not try hacking it is just mindless.why? because you will end up hacking yourself.
7:never turn your firewalls of and download or buy an anti virus.why? because the hacker can send very harmful viruses.
8:change your computers IP address.
9Big Grino not go around places sayin your a hacker.why? it will make real hackers want to hack the living $h!T out of not just your face book ALSO your computer!! an example of how powerful a hacker is do ctrl+u THEY CAN track your browsing location
10:the hacker can make an exact copy of your accounts so after you change everything tell all your FRIENDS thats not you (by Friends i refer to people you really trust)
and that is all you will need bro XD