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Where Can I Share My One Direction Fan Page? - Printable Version

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Where Can I Share My One Direction Fan Page? - angel - 08-05-2013 09:42 AM

A few other girls and myself admin a page and we are having trouble getting likes. We have had the page a few weeks and have about 20 likes. Anyway is there someone who will do s4s for us or do you know any websites where we can share our page for others.

I know a lot of people are going to comment stupid things below because they don't like One Direction but I don't care what you haters think.

But for the people who are really going to help thank you!

Here's the link to our page I'm the sign off ~4everYoung~


- Nadja - 08-05-2013 09:49 AM

I was never really admin on one direction pages but I was admin on pages over a million and since you are a small page now try asking other small pages for s4s. those pages can be one direction pages or other, it doesn't really matter but keep in mind that you will get more likes on one direction pages. although even if a page does s4s with you that doesn't mean that you will instantly get likes. you can do s4s with some pages and get 0 likes, it depends. big pages may not want to do s4s with you so don't get mad at them for that. also there are groups on fb where people promote pages and stuff like that so you should try that too.

- Claudia - 08-05-2013 09:51 AM

How to promote for your Facebook page on Facebook

Nowadays some page owners would pay money to advertise their pages on facebook, but some others prefer not pay and make their business by their own, however today i'll show you some creative ways you can use to promote for your facebook page on Facebook:

Use comments

One the powerful tools to promote your facebook page is to comment other similar pages on facebook inviting people to visit yours, this can be helpful if you're targetting a certain audience for your page's content.

Deal with other pages

This one common way used to promote pages, you can start liking other popular pages and ask them to like yours back, and that's how the fans of the other pages would intend to like yours, this can be a great way to generate traffic to your page without putting so much efforts.

Tag other facebook Pages

Tagging other pages on your page update status will help you generate more visitor to your facebook page, as it will show up in other fan pages, which means that you'll redirect many fans to visit your page.

Invite your friends list

This must be of the first thing to do when creating a page on facebook, invite your friends to like your page so that your friends will become fans of your page, once you set up your page, facebook will recommend you to do that and your friends will receive a notification asking them to like your page.

Be creative

Try to upload funny or unique pictures on your facebook page, if someone of your page's fans likes the picture and decides to share it on his own timeline, he or she will let his friends to know about your page and take a visit to it.


Search Engine Optimization, if you want to get your facebook page at the top search of any search engine like Google or Yahoo, you must consider reading about SEO tricks and ways to make your facebook page appear in the first page on any search engine.

These are all my best advices for you