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my view on the trayvon case? - Printable Version

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my view on the trayvon case? - Josh - 08-06-2013 08:17 AM

I dont see it as a racial thing. I hate guns and i wasnt there but i feel like it probably went a little like this.
George zimmerman follows trayvon
they confront each other
zimmerman is talking big and down to trayvon
trayvon and zimmerman fight
zimmerman losing shots trayvon

I hate guns and hate how people who carry them act
what do u think of my anyalsis

- Licia - 08-06-2013 08:21 AM

I agree with most of your answer. maybe he just got mad because he was losing but Zimmerman started it because on the 911call they clearly told him not to follow treyvon so why would you follow someone who is not bothering. that means your looking for trouble . if he didn't follow him than treyvon would have just went back home and Zimmerman wouldn't be in court.

- Zachary Stocker - 08-06-2013 08:23 AM

pretty much my theory i believe zimmerman was following and bother treyvon got annoyed with him zimmerman started geting agressive intimidating tryvon tryvon they got in to a fight and zimmerman panicked and shot and i hate guns too people say they don't kill people people kill people but they do sure make it real easy to jump the gun or accidentally shoot some one

- Curtis B - 08-06-2013 08:33 AM

I believe Zimmerman followed, kid panicked and attacked.

Until the initial blow was struck no one was doing anything illegal. It depends on the level the fight escalated too. If he did get him pinned down and was hitting his head into the concrete that does constitute a threat of death or GBH but in order to be self defense he may need to prove innocent of provocation. His keeping on eye on Travon in and of itself does not remove that. If he swung first, initiated an argument, then he loses that criteria.

Noted: Zimmerman was not arrested after the police investigation until media and celebrity pressure required them to to reverse that decision. Should the facts come out showing Zimmerman was innocent and handled himself correctly, are on of those people/outlets going to reimburse him for his defense costs?

I think your opinion of the event is biased upon your feeling of guns/gun owners

I know many gun owners and carriers. Hundreds of them that I know do not act in that bravado fashion, 1 does.:/ And if Zimmerman was the rarer example, Travon would never have gotten on top of him.