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My facebook is asking me identify people I don't know them? - Printable Version

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My facebook is asking me identify people I don't know them? - Sabelo R - 08-07-2013 01:48 AM

So I really need help with my Facebook

- doc_up72 - 08-07-2013 01:56 AM

could be someone trying to hack an account(s) using that particular method of verification. I never liked that way of doing it
good luck.

- Raven - 08-07-2013 02:10 AM

Yes, this is a pretty stupid method of regaining account since you may not know what the people look like or the picture may be of Batman. There should be another method in which you can have a code sent to your cell phone. If that doesn't work, you may have to wait a couple of days for them to "unlock" the password reset option of what-the-fuck-ever. But when you are initially hitting the password recovery button, "Identify by picture" is only one of the options, so pic one of the other ones. Or just keep trying it until it shows you the people you know, unless you're one of the idiots who has 3,427 "friends" and you've never met, seen, or even heard of 3,415 of them, in which case you should be banned permanently from Facebook and the internet as a SPAMMer.