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Is there some way to stop weird unknown people sending me requests on facebook? - Printable Version

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Is there some way to stop weird unknown people sending me requests on facebook? - meep - 08-07-2013 05:22 AM

My friend told me there is a way stop people who don't have any mutual friends from sending you a request. Unfortunately her bf did it for her n they broke up and well she doesnt know herself how to do itI am really sick of them and I really dislike it. Please help me. I know some of you may say to keep them in my pending friend requests but please I really dislike this and will be grateful if you help me. Smile

- Amey - 08-07-2013 05:28 AM

try this....
privacy settings---> who can contact me? --> who can send me friend requests --> friends of friends

- Ello ello Ello - 08-07-2013 05:42 AM

Well not exactly without having the other people you may know send you requests. But there is an option where only your friend's friends or only your friends can look you up.
I would concider using the friends of friends option since usually you and your friends have mutual friends Smile
If you want to find this option go to settings ( top right hand corner of your screen ) and then select Privacy Settings. Then ull see one option with the heading 'who can look me up'
Hope this helps Smile)

- HackYou - 08-07-2013 05:57 AM

Yes, there's a way to stop unknown people ( weird ones ) sending you the Friend request on Facebook... Follow below instruction :

> Log In to your Facebook account

> Click on the "Privacy Shortcuts" tab, which is next to the "Home" tab

> Then click on "Who can contact me?"

> You will see two option there :

a) Whose messages do I want filtered into my Inbox?

i) Basic Filtering
ii) Strict Filtering

b) Who can send me friend requests

i) Everyone
ii) Friends of friends

> First click on option b)
then click on

ii) i.e. "Friends of friend"

This will change your privacy setting for all incoming friend requests..
Only the person who has a mutual friend with you, can send you friend request.

But if there is unknown weird people having mutual friend with You. It won't help. Block them!!

Good Luck!