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How to stop being depressing on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to stop being depressing on facebook? - SAD - 08-07-2013 06:38 AM

All i post about on fb is depressing and i want to stop but i cant. I am never happy so its not like i have anything happy to post about
Do i???
Please what ways can i be more happy and stop being depressing

- Merryrobin584 - 08-07-2013 06:46 AM

Maybe try spending more time in the real world. Get some fresh air and sunlight: you will feel less depressed. Nature created you perfectly with everything you need, so why do you need a book for your face anyways?

- hiddenmyname - 08-07-2013 06:57 AM

Get off fb for a start and get a life. If all you've got to say is depressing then dont say anything.

- Angeleyes - 08-07-2013 06:59 AM

Delete your account. There's more to life than facebook.

- Angeleyes - 08-07-2013 07:11 AM

Instead of using Facebook to rant and vent your anger, write your problems in a notebook, rip the pages out, screw the paper up and play basketball.