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Facebook question about I comment I am told I made but now can't find? - Printable Version

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Facebook question about I comment I am told I made but now can't find? - Courtney - 08-07-2013 07:28 AM

So I was told today that I made a post to someone else (a business I work with) FB page. The comment was in reference to a photo that was posted. The Comment was entirely inappropriate, I agree and the person deleted it. The problem is I don't remember making it. I can't believe I would ever say what was said even in a drunken stupor. I went to my activity log. Even if they deleted it from there page it should still be in my log. But I can not find it anywhere on my FB page. What makes matters worse is that it is reference to a party I attended at the business with few people involved and the comment was specific to that evening. She also had an email that stated the comment and showed it was from my account. I am so confused. does anyone know what has happened? I am looking for any answer at this point even if I am at fault. No one else had access to my account but me and even if they did why would the only thing they do be to make that comment?

Also it is hard to accept that my account was hacked. The statement that was posted was specific to the night in question. So If someone hacked my account the only reason they did was to make a statement on my account that pertained to the night in question, and then never did anything else. I just don't have any enemy's in my life like that. The real question is how could anyone post form my account that would not show up in my account activity?

- ashley - 08-07-2013 07:34 AM

Since this guy release his stupid hack couple of weeks ago a lot of accounts are getting hack , I myself was hacked just two days ago, this is getting out of control -_-

- ? - 08-07-2013 07:48 AM

Get a real life without Facebook.