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HELP! I HAVE A STALKER!!! how do i get rid of him? - Printable Version

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HELP! I HAVE A STALKER!!! how do i get rid of him? - carmen - 08-07-2013 03:41 PM

I've gone to the Police many times, and i just want him gone. i noticed him 2 weeks ago when i was walking home. he was just standing around my dorm house and then i started seeing him everyday, even at my work, when i jogging, even when I'm hanging out with friends. on Sunday i saw him after work and i started walking up to him and he turned and ran away. i work at Forever 21 which is apart of a strip mall so i know he didn't just walk into my job one day and saw me. i don't know what he wants. i tried to remember if i've seen him anywhere but i can't. he looks like he's in his late 30's early 40's and he looks like a scrubby guy and i think that is what scares me the most. i went to the Police and they told me if he does anything then they will make sure he gets in trouble. but what if he kills me????? there's a reason why he is stalking me and i just want to get rid of him!!! how???? btw, i go to community college and I'm a freshman. and i live alone and it's scary. i'm a hour and half away from home and haven't told anyone. i just want to handle this on my own. i don't want my friends or family to worry cus i did soooo much to convince my mom to let me live at the dorms and ugh!!! she would go crazy if her and my dad found out. HELP? thanks in advance!!!

- Kevin - 08-07-2013 03:49 PM

he wants you

- Vladimir - 08-07-2013 03:53 PM

Confront him.

- Blondie1225 - 08-07-2013 04:09 PM

Go to the police and explain what he looks like
Never walk alone.. Get security leaving work
Find a guy friend to walk you to your dorm and maybe if he is strong enough to go up the man and tell him to back off

- Willwork4Doughnuts - 08-07-2013 04:13 PM

If you have the money, you could hire a private investigator. Make sure all your doors and windows are locked, and get an alarm system if you can.

- Caleb - 08-07-2013 04:19 PM

pepper spray stun gun baseball bat gun if necessary but of course first tell him to stay away from you if he keeps stalking you use the military method shout show shove shoot you warned him 3 times to get away from you not including the time you told him to stay away cant really get in trouble for that but dont actually shoot him with a gun i was kidding about that but the pepper spray is a good option keep a taser just incase pepper spray doesnt play but some creepers are imune

- Kaytlyn - 08-07-2013 04:27 PM

Okay not to scare you or anything but I watch this tv show on discovery I think ..and its called stalker and all the stalkers on there usually keep messing with you until they get in trouble or you move away or something

- Sergio - 08-07-2013 04:39 PM

Get a big guy. Ask him to help you. Tell him to scare the guy and to tell him that you guys are dating and that you want his creeper as.s outta here now.

- Mark Clendenen - 08-07-2013 04:56 PM

the most I could tell you is always be around family and friends and ask around to see if anyone can see if they know him

- William - 08-07-2013 05:08 PM

Besides being visible, what has he done? The police cannot act unless there is some evidence of a crime being committed.

Are you certain he is "stalking" you? Simply seeing someone around doesn't constitute stalking. Staring at you? Following you? Maybe his friend or girlfriend lives in that dorm. Are you sure you are not being paranoid?

I'm answering your questions with these questions because that is what the police will ask and you need to provide an answer that he poses a threat before this can be considered stalking.